Club Membership
If you would like to take membership with Stafford Auto club in order to receive an affiliation code for 2022 Trials Registration with the ACU, please complete an online membership form using the link at the bottom.
Club membership is just £5.00 for the year.
When you submit your details you will receive a confirmation message which also contains a link to Paypal where you can make your membership payment.
Affiliation codes will not be sent out without payment of the club membership fee.
Please allow up to 48 hours to receive your ACU Affiliation code by email.
The address and contact details you enter on the form will not be published or retained, they are only collected in the event that you need to be contacted prior to the issue of your affiliation code. Once your code is issued they will be deleted. Only your name and affiliation code will be retained in club records.
Online Membership Form